Teleconnections and climate modes and their influence on climate extremes (Part IV)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Room C101 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Host: 26th Conference on Climate Variability and Change
Chair:  Bin Yu, Climate Research Division, EC, Toronto, ON, Canada
  4:00 PM
Surface Temperature Probability Distributions and Extremes in the NARCCAP Hindcast Experiment: Evaluation Methodology and Metrics, Results, and Associated Atmospheric Mechanisms
Paul C. Loikith, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and D. E. Waliser, J. Kim, H. Lee, B. R. Lintner, J. D. Neelin, S. A. McGinnis, C. Mattmann, and L. O. Mearns
  4:15 PM
ENSO phase transition in spring and its potential impact on tornado outbreaks in the U.S
Sang-Ki Lee, University of Miami, Miami, FL; and R. Atlas, D. B. Enfield, C. Wang, and H. Liu
  4:45 PM
Predictability and prediction skill of the Southern Annular Mode based on its relationship with ENSO
Eun-Pa Lim, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia; and H. Hendon and H. Rashid
  5:00 PM