Poster Session on Transitions from Research to Operations

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Hosts: (Joint between the Fourth Conference on Transition of Research to Operations; the 26th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 22nd Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction; the 18th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS); and the Tenth Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems )
Poster 741 has been moved. Will now be 2.1A

A New Method for Calculating Vertical Motion in Isentropic Space
Michael Simpson, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

Handout (389.6 kB)

Research to Operations, Possibilities for Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance in the next 25 years
Thomas Sparn, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and P. Pilewskie, P. Withnell, and G. Kopp