Flood Prediction, Analysis, Decision Support, & Management Posters

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Host: 28th Conference on Hydrology
Cochairs:  Enrique Vivoni, School of Earth and Space Exploration &, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; Thomas Adams, Ohio River Forecast Center, NOAA/NWS, Wilmington, OH and Nick Zheng Fang, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX
The development of a flash flood severity index
Kimberly A. Reed, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and A. J. Schroeder, J. D. Hardy, J. Henderson, K. R. Ryberg, J. E. LeClerc, B. K. Smith, V. Rahmani, P. Parhi, M. J. Taraldsen, R. S. Schumacher, and J. J. Gourley

Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature in Operational Snow Model
Eylon Shamir, Hydrologic Research Center, San Diego, CA; and K. P. Georgakakos

Hurricane Sandy Flood Detection around New York Area with NPP/VIIRS and SRTM data
Donglian Sun, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA; and S. Li, M. Goldberg, J. J. Murray, and F. Lindsay

Moisture Sources for Flash Floods in the United States
Jessica M. Erlingis Lamers, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and J. J. Gourley and Y. Hong

Poster 43 will now be presented as Paper 3.1A

Mesoscale organization and structure of orographic precipitation producing flash floods in southern Switzerland
Luca Panziera, MeteoSwiss, Locarno-Monti, Switzerland; and C. N. James and U. Germann

Handout (4.3 MB)