AMS Climate Studies Implementation in a Hybrid Course Format
AMS Climate Studies Implementation in a Hybrid Course Format
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015
In the summer of 2014, the AMS Climate Studies course was offered in a 1-month summer session at the University of West Georgia in the Department of Geosciences. This was an upper level course with a recommended prerequisite of Weather and Climate. Through a hybrid course format, students completed online components and met twice per week. This combination was well received by students since they were able to learn the material at their own pace while having guidance and discussions to solidify their understanding. The primary mode of content delivery was online though the course site. However, more complex topics or topics that students expressed difficulty with were addressed in short, focused in-class presentations. These presentations were more interactive than traditional presentations since students had already seen the topics through the online delivery. In addition to the climate studies content, students were given weekly readings related to climate. They wrote essays in response to the readings and engaged in a discussion in a class session. The readings both engaged students in current issues and furthered their understanding of climate science. Bases on student feedback, future offerings of AMS Climate Studies will include a prerequisite of the introductory level course, Weather and Climate, and be offered in the highly successful hybrid format.