Lessons Learned From a Modern Day Synoptic Meteorology Laboratory
Lessons Learned From a Modern Day Synoptic Meteorology Laboratory

Monday, 5 January 2015
Given the current information and technology available to instructors and students, more than at any time in the history of the field of meteorology, individuals can utilize and visualize the evolution of the atmosphere across a variety of spatial and temporal scales. A key challenge related to synoptic meteorology is how to integrate the ever-growing real-time and archived data sources along with the expanding knowledge base with traditional classroom instruction and theoretical concepts. At the University of Oklahoma, METR 4424 Synoptic Meteorology Laboratory is a four credit hour course with five contacts hours per week accommodating approximately 50 senior-level students every Fall semester. To meet the needs of the course and expand learning opportunities for the students, METR 4424 utilizes multiple instructional tools including the flipped classroom, real-time discussion of synoptic events, traditional lecture, and on-line modules. An overview of successes and failures from both the instructor and student standpoints will be provided.