The Schneider Electric Numerical Turbulence Forecast Verification using In-situ EDR observations from Operational Commercial Aircraft
The Schneider Electric Numerical Turbulence Forecast Verification using In-situ EDR observations from Operational Commercial Aircraft

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 3:30 PM
129A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
(729.0 kB)
Schneider Electric has been producing its new Aviation Flight Hazard forecast suite operationally for several months including numerical Eddy Dissipation Rate (EDR) turbulence forecasts supporting flight planning as well as flight following decisions. These global turbulence forecasts cover from the airport to the highest cruising altitudes in the vertical and take into consideration four main types of turbulence sources: clear air (CAT), boundary layer, mountain wave, and convective induced turbulence. Over the course of this time, Schneider Electric has acquired several sources of in-situ instrument EDR data from operational aircraft to use for the verification of the turbulence forecasts. The verification results are hit and miss statistics based on a set of criteria that maps the observed data to the forecast data in 4 dimensions and grades the forecast value once mapped as a hit, miss, under-forecast, or over-forecast.
These results have been confirmed by AvMet and compared to the current GTG2 offering. Schneider Electric is extremely pleased by the results thus far and the promising impact this product will be for aviation safety in the future.