Hydrometeorological Extremes: Flood Analysis and Prediction I

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
126BC (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Host: 29th Conference on Hydrology
Cochairs:  David J. Gochis, Research Applications Laboratory, NCAR, Boulder, CO and Andrew W. Wood, Research Applications Laboratory, NCAR, Boulder, CO

  1:30 PM
Evaluation of flash flood products from the Flooded Locations And Simulated Hydrographs (FLASH) project
Jonathan Gourley, NOAA, Norman, OK; and Z. L. Flamig, H. Vergara, R. Clark III, P. E. Kirstetter, G. Terti, Y. Hong, and K. Howard
  1:45 PM
A Real-time Multi-source Flash Flood Verification Database in Support of NOAA/NWS Weather Prediction Center Research and Operations
Brian Cosgrove, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and W. Hogsett, F. Barthold, T. Workoff, D. R. Novak, J. J. Gourley, Z. Flamig, and M. Klein
  2:15 PM
Multi-scale statistical properties of rainfall in flash flood producing storms
Deborah K. Nykanen, Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN; and S. DeVinny, S. D. Buan, M. M. DeWeese, and P. J. Restrepo
  2:45 PM
Forecasting surface water flooding in the UK with a convection-permitting ensemble
Brian William Golding, Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom; and R. Swinbank, N. Roberts, K. Mylne, and G. Leoncini