Wednesday, 13 January 2016
GOES-R will be providing enhanced spectral, temporal and spatial information and with deployment with a new system with new capabilities, user readiness becomes an increasingly important activity. The GOES-R Product Readiness and Operations (PRO) team is tasked with working with our partners at the National Weather Service as well as within NESDIS to ensure that the products (both Level 1 and Level 2) are ready for operations and the user community is ready to receive and disseminate the various products to serve their needs and requirements.
With the launch of GOES-R in the coming months, the GOES-R PRO team has been working with our partners to develop comprehensive plans in preparation for Post Launch Product Testing (PLPT) for Level 1 and Level 2 products. PLPT includes many validations events for each sensor as well as for each ABI Level 2 product. These tests require coordination with science teams and instrument vendors in order to execute the tests. This poster will discuss the activities associated with PLPT for all the GOES-R instruments Level 1 data and ABI Level 2 science teams.