As an emergency manager who is now a NWS forecaster, I have worked on both sides of the fence and understand the requirements and needs and strengths and limitations of communications between the NWS and its partners and customers. The use of highly technical, scientific work in the fields of meteorology and hydrology is a necessary first step to the NWS achieving its mission. Now though, especially with the goal of a Weather Ready Nation and IDSS, the NWS must evaluate how it communicates with its partners and customers and learn to speak their language. For example, one goal named in the WRN Roadmap is “more complete integration into the National Incident Management System” (NIMS). The NIMS framework has a requirement to use plain language, or conversely, use no codes or jargon. However, there are some NWS concepts that still must be conveyed using technical weather jargon. The path to overcoming this disconnect lies with talking as much and often as possible with partners/customers. This leads to all parties understanding capabilities, needs, and most importantly the languages spoken by the different professions.