The session will focus on science and applications of remote sensing in land surface hydrologic sciences. The remotely sensed measurements related to hydrological parameters are from satellite, radar, airborne, or other platforms. We are hoping to increase the discussions on: (1) the current and future requirements for the data sets; (2) the current state of the science for measuring hydrologic parameters using remote sensing platforms; (3) how hydrological models or downstream applications use the remotely sensed data products for decision support; (4) areas where current science methodology does not adequately address the needs of the broader hydrologic community; and (5) new methods and/or new remote sensing technologies that offer potential for improving hydrologic (including land surface parameter) remote sensing. For additional information about the session, please contact the session chairs Xiwu Zhan ( and John Eylander (, or the program organizer, David Gochis (