The sea ice components of global climate models are currently unable to represent lateral floe sizes, describing only the distribution of ice into thickness categories (Thorndike et al., 1975, Hunke et al., 2010). As a result they represent the marginal ice zone primarily as decreasing concentration due to thermodynamic effects. Thus, to test our hypothesis, we have developed a framework to model the distribution of sea ice in lateral floe size categories for a global-scale sea model.
We adapt the mathematical formulation of a fully prognostic joint floe size and thickness distribution presented in Horvat & Tziperman (2015) for the Los Alamos sea ice model, CICE. New floe-size dependent melt and growth are integrated with the existing numerical scheme. We include a parametrization for ocean surface waves that are attenuated according to sea ice properties and determine floe break-up. Unlike previous studies (Williams et al., 2013; Tsamados et al., 2015; Dumont et al., 2011), we make no assumptions as to the shape of the floe size distribution; it is an emergent property arising from thermodynamics and wave fracture only. Preliminary results suggest that inclusion of floe-size dependent processes accelerates the rate of melt, in support of our hypothesis.
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