This study employs an observational-based and a numerical modeling-based approach to test the hypothesis. To establish the general characteristics of synoptic weather events and rapid sea ice loss over the Arctic, extreme summer sea ice loss events are identified from two-day changes in SIE 1979-2014 from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). Data are filtered to include only contributions from individual and significant weather events using spectral analysis techniques, and extreme events are classified as the top 1\% of filtered two-day decreases in SIE. Atmospheric composites from ERA-interim over each of the extreme sea ice loss cases identified from 1979-2014 reveal the characteristics and variability of the synoptic-scale cyclones for these events, as well as the upper-level characteristics of TPVs present before the surface cyclones form. Numerical modeling experiments focus on medium- to long-range predictions of the Arctic environment during the summer of 2006 and 2007, which are two years characterized by strongly contrasting cyclonic and anticyclonic pressure and tropospheric circulation anomalies and SIE. To isolate the associated coupled, multi-scale interactions and atmospheric dynamics, experiments are designed using the non-hydrostatic dynamical core from the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS). Results from an ensemble of atmosphere-only experiments indicate that forecast spread develops from the interaction of TPVs with amplifying Rossby waves. Although the Rossby waves initiate in midlatitudes, high-resolution is most beneficial over the Arctic in order to better resolve the intensity of TPVs before wave interactions or surface cyclogenesis occurs. Idealized sensitivity experiments confirm sensitivities of subsequent large-scale flow to TPV structure by artificially damping the local mechanisms that intensify TPVs. These findings motivate consideration of atmopsheric, cryospheric, and oceanic couplings using MPAS coupled with the Community Earth System (CESM) model.