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Surface pressure from a unique field campaign in the geosciences is used here to identify large-magnitude gravity wave and mesoscale convective systems. The EarthScope USArray Transportable Array (TA) consisted of about 400 individual seismic and pressure sensor platforms. Stations with 1 Hz pressure data were deployed in a pseudo-grid format across a portion of the United States. Stations reported for 1-2 yr, then were retrieved and redeployed further east of the main array, with the array moving across the central to eastern United States from 2010-2015. Much of the array has been retrieved as is being deployed now in Alaska. Examples of utilizing the pressure observations to better assess gravity wave events are shown. Discussion focusing on the potential of utilizing resources of higher temporal resolution (greater than 15 min) pressure observations to detect gravity waves and other perturbation features in real time is also provided.
Supplementary URL: http://meso1.chpc.utah.edu/usarray/