Prioritization of stream gauges considers the socio-economic impact suffered by communities, available locations for stream gages (typically bridges and other areas with easy access to the river) in each prioritized watershed. For candidate locations, simulated flows at proposed monitoring sites were evaluated in a physics-based distributed model at 1-km resolution of the watersheds affecting Texas Communities. Runoff from rainfall input from an extreme storm event (Wimberley/Blanco May 23-24, 2015) was simulated for each vulnerable community. The relative magnitude of the peak flows, the volume of water produced by the event, and the lead time provided by each possible stream gage location will be considered in determining the optimum location for the stream gage in each watershed. In the example described above, a stream gage much further up in the watershed would have provided more lead time to the citizens of Wimberley, but may not have helped determine the extreme magnitude of the flood. In many watersheds, the locations evaluated provide lead-time and were recommended, while other watershed exhibited little or no lead time due to hydrologic/hydraulic characteristics relative to the vulnerable community forecast location.
This analysis identified, ranked, and recommended over 50 locations for installation of stream gauges. Gaps in rain gauge coverage were also analyzed and recommendation made. Enhancing the hydrometeorological monitoring network will assist the NWS in conducting its mission to mitigate loss of life and property damages caused by floods in Texas.