Monday, 8 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) has a long history of supporting the Direct Broadcast (DB) community for various sensors, recently with the International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) for the NASA EOS polar orbiters Terra and Aqua, and the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) for the NOAA polar orbiter Suomi-NPP. CSPP has been significant in encouraging the early usage of Suomi-NPP data by US and international weather agencies, and it is hoped that a new package, CSPP-GEO, will similarly encourage usage of DB data from GOES-R, Himawari, and other geostationary satellites. The support of Himawari-8 provides several challenges for the CSPP-GEO-Geocat package, which generally revolve around the greatly increased data rate associated with the subsatellite point footprint approaching 1km. CSPP-GEO-Geocat takes advantage of python shared-memory multiprocessor support to divide Himawari data into managable pieces, which are then farmed out to indvidual cores for processing by the underlying geocat code. The resulting product segments are then stitched together to make the final product NetCDF4 files. CSPP-GEO-Geocat will support high-data-rate HRIT input, as well as the reduced resolution HimwariCast direct broadcast data stream. Products supported by CSPP-GEO-Geocat include the level-1 reflective and emissive bands, as well as level-2 products like cloud mask, cloud type, optical depth and particle size, cloud top temperature and pressure.