Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
A simplified method of wave current and weir flow intersection from experiences of several times of dam-break was used for simulation of the flood discharges from the Ganhe river at dam-break on July 14, 2010. Flood routing of dam-break was simulated by using GIS flood drowned model based on the flood discharges and DEM data, and the simulation results was tested by using disaster result analysis. The result shows that the inundated areas of Ganhe river basin was constantly increasing with flood routing, especially 0.5~1 meters depth section of the inundated areas. The flood arrived in Renwo viliage at 18:00 on the 14th ,flooded to Maqiao and Yanzhou viliage at 20:00 and 22:00. According to the disaster investiga-tion, in both the aspects of flooding time and flooding location, the simulation result of rainstorm inundation model agrees with the fact. This indicates that the model can better simulate the flood evolution of dam-break.