Monday, 8 January 2018: 9:00 AM
Room 17A (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
One of the cornerstones of Hazard Services, a software application designed to provide a common interface for issuing timely and accurate hazard information within AWIPS II, is the ability to generate hazardous information using a variety of datasets. A primary tool used to create hazardous information, referred to as a “recommender”, has far-reaching applications across weather forecast offices (WFOs) and national centers for environmental prediction (NCEP) within the National Weather Service (NWS).
The basic concepts of creating hazardous information using the recommender framework within Hazard Services will be explored in this presentation. Applications to be explored include generating hazardous information using gridded forecast data from the graphical forecast editor (GFE), high-resolution model output, as well as a range of observational datasets. The advantages of using recommenders to create hazardous information that is consistent with underlying datasets, messaging, and decision support services (DSS) will also be presented.