Monday, 8 January 2018: 8:45 AM
Room 17A (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Hazard Services is making progress toward streamlining National Weather Service operations by integrating software tools into a common interface for issuing timely and accurate hazard information. We will provide an update on Hazard Services development work, which is proceeding to operational capability for Hydrology and additional hazard phenomena. While operational work for legacy capabilities continues, experimental work is expanding the concepts to other areas. Plans for integration of all Hazard Services applications are underway to provide a unified hazard generation platform.
The basic process of identifying a hazard area, time frame, and other hazard characteristics is being applied to diverse phenomena such as aviation weather, national precipitation forecasts, and probabilistic convective events. We will present a sampling of applications showing how the operational and experimental work are both using and contributing to the Hazard Services framework.