Thursday, 11 January 2018: 2:00 PM
Room 12B (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The operation of the GOES-16 as GOES-East begins a new era in U.S. geostationary weather and environmental observations, led by the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). Not only does ABI provide significant improvements in spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution, and unprecedented operational flexibility, it also delivers exceptional image navigation and registration (INR) performance.
This presentation provides measured on-orbit INR performance for the calibrated, navigated, and resampled ABI pixel images: navigation, within-frame registration, frame-to-frame registration, swath-to-swath registration, and channel-to-channel registration. It will also discuss the diurnal line-of-sight (LOS) variation in the downlinked detector samples and show how the star-based navigation ground processing algorithm removes this effect in the final image.