Wednesday, 10 January 2018: 3:15 PM
Ballroom E (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Ryan J Sharp, NWS, Louisville, KY; and T. Funk
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National Weather Service (NWS) Louisville (LMK) has developed a collaborative program where NWS partners participate in severe convective storm and winter storm training via the Weather Event Simulator (WES). The program initially is targeting broadcast TV meteorologists in and close to LMK’s forecast area, but also may include private meteorologists, university faculty, Corp of Engineers, and emergency managers. POWS provides training in hazardous storm structure, showcases the complexity of the warning decision process, and allows partners to experience firsthand the strategies employed by NWS radar analysts. However, perhaps most importantly, POWS enhances professional relationships and teamwork via one-to-one interaction, which facilitates a consistent message of safety for the public to build a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN).
Participants assess radar trends, environment, and reports, then use the WES to issue warnings in displaced real-time. A NWS trainer discusses their actions and verification at the end of the simulation. Partners have greatly enjoyed the experience, as summarized by this quote, “I already had a lot of respect for what you guys do, but this gives me a greater sense of appreciation. Other TV meteorologists need to do this.” Another participant said, “This is great. It’s something I can use at work right away.”
This presentation will discuss the LMK POWS program and its relationship to a WRN. It also will provide insight into simulation case development so other NWS offices can develop a similar program, if desired.

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