The need for smaller instrumentation packages is seeing an unquestionable growth in popularity. In the realm of meteorology, this trend is no different. Recent innovations in All In One (AIO) or compact weather stations may change our way of looking at the traditional weather station setup and our abilities to get detailed data on the mesoscale and sub-mesoscale levels. These small sensor packages present opportunities to deploy more sensors in more locations while offering a lower cost per station, quicker setup time, and a smaller footprint. In this study, we performed an evaluation of the Lufft WS-700UMB and Gill GMX501 AIO compact weather stations. Data from the AIO stations were compared to a reference set of calibrated traditional weather station sensors mounted on the same testbed tower as the AIO stations. We will present the results of such testing to date, the findings, and recommendations for those interested in exploring the possibilities these agile sensor packages may provide now and in the future.