Monday, 8 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The SDI (Satellite Data Ingest) GRB (Goes-R Rebroadcast) Appliance Team at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, SSEC has developed a hardware/software solution for obtaining GOES-R data from a Direct Broadcast Stream. The SDI Team provides the SDI GRB Appliance for professionals needing the fastest/easiest access to GOES-R data. The SDI couples quality ingest software developed by the CSPP GEO team with the experience and operational skills of the SSEC Data Center, to couple hardware and software as a reliable data source. The SDI GRB Appliance provides data access using industry standard interfaces (SFTP, NFS, ADDE) for reliable and seamless integration into your datacenter. This poster describes the SDI GRB appliance structure and deployment, along with reasons why a SDI GRB Appliance is a very cost effect means of acquiring reliable timely access to GOES-R data.