Much prior work has considered the impact of latent heat release in organized cloud systems in terms of its contribution to forecast errors in the phase and/or amplitude of individual synoptic waves. Such consideration overlooks a related but perhaps more global question – namely, what is the impact of such latent heat release on the aggregate waviness of the evolving, larger-scale flow? We conduct experiments aimed at gaining insight into this question.
First, we present results from 151 daily runs of a triad of low resolution, 120-h WRF-ARW simulations spanning the Northern Hemisphere cold season of 2016-17 in which only the model’s cloud microphysical package is different between the runs. Next, we employ sinuosity as a measure of the aggregate 200 hPa waviness over the Northern Hemisphere and consider the waviness differences in the light of the varying microphysical parameterizations in the model. Finally, a comparison of synoptic environments with and without robust, landfalling atmospheric rivers over North America is made to consider the impact of such features on the hemispheric evolution of upper-tropospheric waviness.