Thursday, 11 January 2018: 11:15 AM
Ballroom C (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
This study reports on the first deployment of the Colorado State University SEA-POL radar, a state of the art C-band, dual-polarimetric radar. SEA-POL was deployed on the R/V Roger Revelle which supported the recent SPURS-2 field project between 16 October and 17 November 2017. The Revelle worked the region near 10N-125W in the E. Pacific ITCZ, a region characterized by deep convection, which at times is modulated by the passage of easterly waves. Indeed, Dr. David Raymond made fundamental contributions to the study of easterly waves and convection, and this abstract is inspired by his work in this area. Radar observations were made around the clock, supported by 4 per day radiosonde launches. We will report on the vertical structure of convective and stratiform precipitation in relation to easterly wave phase. Microphysical processes will be described using the polarimetric capabilities of SEA-POL.