The IMAPP user base now consists of more than 2400 registrants representing more than 90 countries. The extensive suite of supported products now includes MODIS Atmosphere Discipline Level 2 Collect 6.1 Atmosphere science software, AIRS Collect 5.0 Level 1 and 6.0 Level 2 software from JPL, two different Air Quality Forecast applications including aerosol pollution trajectories based upon the MODIS AOD MOD04 product, and Stratospheric Ozone Intrusions based upon a University of Wisconsin-Madison AIRS single Field-of-View AIRS retrieval. A set of aviation hazard detection application software which includes potential for lightning and turbulence areal outlines. Other packages include a complete Aqua and Terra direct broadcast processing system that allows uses to take advantage of the entire suite of software freely available to the user community. This package is released in the form of a Virtual Appliance that allows installation on Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. IMAPP also fosters the education of satellite users through local direct broadcast application workshops. Partnering with organizations including the WMO, IGARSS and GEOSS, IMAPP has co-sponsored 16 local workshops on 6 continents.
Among IMAPP direct broadcast product users are the US National Weather Service for decision support in CONUS, Pacific, and Alaska regions, and air quality forecasters in the Western United States. This presentation will include specific examples of societal benefits that have come from use of the near-real-time IMAPP product suite, as well as the extension to support of S-NPP and JPSS-1 satellites.