Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 1:30 PM
Room 12B (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act, signed on April 18, 2017, authorizes the NOAA Under Secretary, in collaboration with the U.S. weather industry and academic entities, to “maintain a project to improve hurricane forecasting” (Section 104. Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program). The Act calls upon NOAA to focus on improving the forecast and communication of storm surges from hurricanes to meet the goal of developing and extending accurate hurricane forecasts and warnings in order to reduce loss of life, injury, and damage to the economy. NOAA has developed a comprehensive modeling strategy to holistically address the mission needs for storm surge and coastal total water level prediction. The framework provides a common direction and collectively addresses data, models, products, tools, and services. The outcome of the strategic plan directly supports NOAA’s mission to provide forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy by empowering forecasters, decision-makers, and the public to make efficient and effective decisions in the face of hazardous storm surge conditions. This presentation will summarize NOAA’s 3-5 year tropical storm surge forecast modeling strategy to address the requirements of the Act.