Tuesday, 9 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Lightning data are used as a metric for monitoring convective intensity. The launch of GOES-16 provides an entirely new real-time lightning dataset for severe thunderstorm monitoring using Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) data. The current challenge to new algorithm development using lightning data is the integration of existing lightning datasets with the new GLM data for severe thunderstorm monitoring. Because each lightning dataset (e.g., GLM, NLDN, Earth Networks, lightning mapping arrays) measure different components of a lightning flash, they will provide different lightning information for the same thunderstorm. The goal of this study is to intercompare these independent lightning datasets on the same set of thunderstorms to understand their implications for severe weather monitoring and future lightning-based algorithm development. The results of this work will inform operational end users who utilize lightning for thunderstorm monitoring in their day-to-day operations.