Two operational products are provided: 1D Geoelectric Field Maps based on the Fernberg (2012) 1D conductivity model compilation, and 3D Geoelectric Field Maps which employ the best available three-dimensional Earth conductivity models in the US (Meqbel et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2015; Murphy & Egbert, 2017 and others) obtained through a USGS compilation of magnetotelluric community inversion results based on NSF’s Earthscope USArray impedances (Schultz et al., 2006-2018). The work on the 3D conductivity models is ongoing as new USArray data are obtained, and new methods for improved magnetotelluric inversion are developed. The maps also use the best available observatory magnetic field data (operated by USGS and Natural Resources, Canada) interpolated in real time using the method of spherical elementary currents (SECs; e.g., Amm & Viljanen, 1999; Pulkkinen et al., 2003).
The deployment of these maps represents a significant advance in the specification of space weather hazards compared to what was previously available, i.e. global geomagnetic indices, providing the electric power industry with a tool to assess regional space weather hazards in near real-time. An emphasis will also be made to identify key priorities for future improvements of this product. We encourage the community to make use of these operational tools to assist us in cross-comparison and validation.