Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The present paper is focus on a temporal space analysis of precipitation in the city of Bogotá - Colombia, based on daily data for a period of thirty years, supplied by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies of Colombia (IDEAM). In this way, the aim of the study is to analyse the variation of the precipitation in relation to the urban sprawl of the last three decades and thus determine the incidence in the microclimate of the study area. Highlighting the importance of this parameter in decision-making on issues such as risk management and land use planning. In this way the objective of the study is analyse the variation of precipitation in relation with urban sprawl of the last three decades and so determine the incidence in the microclimate of the study area. Highlighting the importance of this parameter in the taking of decisions in topics like the risk and territorial order management. Taking into account the above, first a data scan was performed with the software R 3.3.3 and Microsoft Excel for later do a quality control of the data by standard deviations up to three deviations. And thus, obtain the maximum and minimum trends of precipitation by the software R-Climdex. There are marked trends or a bimodal regimen of rains, where the higher precipitation values correspond to the months of April-May and October-November, while that by other part the months with the lower values of rain is higher to northwest of the city while that to southeast are lower. As a last resort the data in Arc-Gis 10.3 were spatialized to generate isohyets, which subsequently analysed with maps of urban growth of the city in recent decades.