Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 10:30 AM
Salon K (Hilton) (Austin, Texas)
What is the difference between “forecasts,” which are admittedly readily available on a variety of platforms from numerous sources, and “decision support”? If the National Weather Service and other meteorologists are to play a pivotal role in truly shifting to the Impact-Based Decision Support paradigm, they must understand how to move from data-driven technical weather briefings to being invested as part of the team for weather-related disasters. This is fostered constantly – from participating in regular meetings, activities, exercises and conferences with the community, to increasing their visibility as a trusted authority through media partnerships. In looking at previous events, it is useful to examine how meteorologists have participated. Do we really understand, as meteorologists, the full scope of impacts, decisions, outcomes, timelines, and support required by our partners and key stakeholders? When meteorologists are external, participate in a weather briefing only, and interact rarely with local, state, and federal partners these answers and goals are difficult to achieve. By forming a more integrated partnership, it is possible to shift from “subject-matter expert” to trusted team member who understands and shares the stakes at hand with their partner. However, what are some of the key lessons learned to gaining that trust? This presentation will take a look at experiences based on past disasters since 2005 – the good, bad, and all the lessons learned.