A previous study has shown that the size distribution of updrafts in a high-resolution reanalysis closely follows a powerlaw (Donner, L. J., T. A. O’Brien, D. Rieger, B. Vogel, and W. F. Cooke, 2016, doi:10.5194/acp-16-12983-2016). This result could imply two main situations: (1) that normal convection and aggregated convection occur along a continuum, or (2) that convection falls along a continuum of updraft sizes, and aggregation alters that continuum. If situation (2) is the case, then the changes in the updraft size distribution might be used to diagnose changes in convective aggregation in the natural world. We investigate whether idealized, cloud resolving model simulations also exhibit such powerlaw scaling and whether the shape of the updraft distribution is affected by aggregation. As a step toward bridging these results from idealized simulations to the real world, we explore how the updraft size distribution changes along a hierarchy of simulation complexities.