Monday, 8 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison participates in ongoing training for NOAA. Some of this training is in collaboration with scientists at CIRA (The Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) at Colorado State. This training includes live tele-training of National Weather Service Forecast Offices on a variety of phenomenological topics (TROWALS, Fog, MCVs, etc.), using VISITview . VISIT and SHyMet also funds Blogging activities, both via the CIMSS Satellite Blog ( and via the CIMSS_Satellite Twitter Account ( CIMSS scientists helped create the Satellite Foundational Course for GOES-R (SatFC_G) that is mandatory for NWS Forecasters, and is available for anyone who wants to learn. CIMSS also helps guide the bi-weekly FDTD GOES-16 Webinars, a vehicle by which NWS Forecasters detail their experiences with GOES-16 data as a tool to use in the office.
CIMSS has lead instruction in a variety of GOES-R/GOES-16 Short Courses at, for example, the AMS Broadcasters’ and Annual Meetings, at the annual meeting of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), at the NOAA Satellite Conference, and in in-person GOES-16 Training using the Satellite Information Familiarization Tool (SIFT) at the National Weather Service Training Service (NWSTC), at Forecast Offices (in Pacific Region) and at student conferences. CIMSS (and CIRA) also help with the Satellite Help Desk at the STOR site that is within the VLab.