Monday, 8 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Handout (5.7 MB)
The earth science enterprise increasingly relies on the integration of multivariate data from diverse observational platforms to enable research, mission calibration/validation, and decision support. The inherent diversity and heterogeneity of field datasets coupled with their general acute lack of adherence to data standards constitute significant impediments to interoperability. The Oceanographic In-situ data Interoperability Project (OIIP) is a two-year technology development project initiated in September 2016 and funded under NASA's Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science (ACCESS) Program. This collaborative project aims to leverage and extend as necessary a set of available informatics technologies for the improved integration of oceanographic in-situ and satellite datasets. Rosetta is a web-based service that provides an easy, wizard-based interface for data collectors to transform unstructured ASCII into Climate and Forecast (CF) compliant netCDF files. In this poster presentation, extensions to Rosetta which facilitate the conversion of electronic animal tag data are discussed. These extensions allow Rosetta to work with data produced from electronic tags deployed on a variety of marine species, as these are a representative class of oceanographic field data. While working with electronic tag data may seem very specific, the extensions apply to a variety of data from other science domains which generically fall under the trajectory and profile discrete sampling geometries from the CF convention.