Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 2:45 PM
Ballroom E (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
As we enter an ever-increasing digital age, our national weather preparedness must reflect a more modern outlook. Where human forecasters once issued authored broadcasts of daily weather forecasts through radio or newsprint, we now use computers to manage trillions of bytes of weather data anonymously feeding millions of users, whether individuals, developers, or corporations. Our focus has shifted from simply providing weather information, to how to provide the best weather information for effective and protective decision-making. Environment and Climate Change Canada is taking a variety of approaches to best prepare Canadians for the impacts of weather as described by various acronyms like DSD, VCC, and TOPOWOAM, and one of our models is not a GEM-LAM but an IKEA™ bookshelf – the definition and connection between these and more will be explained in the presentation – no Swedish required.