Sunday, 7 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Ground based weather stations are widely used to provide real time data to the public for forecasting extreme temperatures or flash floods. The New York urban Hydro-meteorological Testbed (NY-uHMT) is a network of twenty autonomous weather stations that will gather information on air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and soil moisture around the densely populated NYC area. Primarily, the objective is to understand local weather variability in different communities in NYC through the tracking of those parameters. The data collected will be used to develop integrated near real time high-resolution mapping of weather variables. For each station, the data is stored on a CR200x Campbell Scientific data logger which can be accessed remotely using the LoggerNetcomputer software or by direct connection using an RS-232 cable. The dataloggers are programmed to measure data every fifteen minutes. The data is then periodically sampled and graphed on MATLAB and subsequently broadcasted onto the uHMT website and is available at no charge to the public. We anticipate that the results will show that the temperature, humidity, precipitation and soil moisture will vary from location to location depending on progress of urbanization in each respective area.