Sunday, 7 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study was a collaborative, multi-agency field campaign that ran May 22-June 22, 2017 and was aimed toward better understanding ozone formation and extent along the lake shore from northern Illinois to northeastern Wisconsin. In order to better understand near-shore gradients in ozone, we collected measurements using a personal ozone monitor from a mobile auto platform that connected stationary air quality sites with shoreline and inland sites. On June 2nd, a large lake breeze extended inland and ozone observations varied little across the domain. On June 3rd a shallow lake breeze formed and large temperature and ozone gradients were observed across the measurement domain. Overall, 5 measurement trips were conducted and will be discussed in the context of spatial extent of high ozone near the Lake Michigan shoreline.