Sunday, 7 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The Wisconsin coast of Lake Michigan has consistently been registering much higher levels of surface ozone and ozone precursors than would be expected given the lack of significant urban pollution in many of these areas. With that motivation, NOAA in partnership with The University of Wisconsin-Madison carried out a field campaign, the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS), in order to gain a better understanding of the elevated ozone levels in the area as well as holistically improving the understanding and modeling of Lake Breeze dynamics over Lake Michigan. This work focuses specifically on measurements taken at the Sheboygan, Wisconsin site. Specifically, analysis is made of Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) temperature data in comparison to NAM-CMAQ model data focusing on the Lake Breeze event of June 2nd, 2017 as a case study of the Lake Breeze phenomena connected with observed ozone spikes in the area. These data offer insight into some of the potential factors associated with these ozone spikes including, but not limited to, surface inversions being carried farther inland than is predicted by the model.