Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 11:00 AM
Ballroom D (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria posed historic challenges to the weather enterprise including emergency managers, electric utility industry and first responders. Working together through a strong public-private partnership the All Hazards Consortium (AHC), ESIP Federation and StormCenter Communications identified and supplied Earth science and other critical data sets through a collaborative common operating picture (C-COP) to deliver key NWS weather information, state declarations of emergency and associated waivers, real-time traffic and road closure information and live National Hurricane Center forecasts, watches and warnings to keep responding utility vehicles aware of a dynamic situation. This presentation will outline how it all came together through an agile process to provide improved situational awareness and a robust decision making environment to address three CAT 5 hurricanes in August and September 2017.