Panel Discussion 3 Weather-Savvy Roads; Autonomous and Connected Vehicles in Smart Cities

Tuesday, 2 May 2017: 3:20 PM-4:50 PM
Auditorium (AAAS Building)
Host: 2017 AMS Washington Forum
Brenda C. Boyce, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alexander, AR
Paul Pisano, FHWA, Office of Operations, Washington, DC; Ariel Gold, US Department of Transportation, Data Program Manager, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington, DC; Dominie Garcia, Booz | Allen | Hamilton and Ed Bradley, Toyota, Program Manager - Product Regulatory Affairs, Safety, Washington, DC

3:20 PM
Paul Pisano
Paul Pisano, FHWA, Washington, DC
3:35 PM
Ariel Gold
Ariel Gold, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
3:50 PM
Dominie Garcia
Dominie Garcia, Booz | Allen | Hamilton
4:05 PM
Ed Bradley
Ed Bradley, Toyota, Washington, DC
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner