15th Conference on Boundary Layer and Turbulence

Session 9

 Fundamental Studies of Turbulence, including advances in LES and DNS, Laboratory Studies, and Observations
 Organizer: Keith Wilson, U.S. Army Research Lab., Adelphi, MD
8:30 AM9.1Evidence from the Atmospheric Surface Layer that the von Kármán Constant isn't  
Edgar L Andreas, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH; and K. J. Claffey, C. W. Fairall, P. S. Guest, R. E. Jordan, and P. O. G. Persson
8:45 AM9.2On Reasons for the Observed Variation of the von Karman Constant in the Atmospheric Surface Layer  extended abstract
Christoph A. Vogel, NOAA/ARL/ATDD, Oak Ridge, TN; and P. Frenzen
9:00 AM9.3Direct Numerical Simulations of Intermittent Turbulence in the Very Stable Ekman Layer  extended abstract
James C. Barnard, PNNL, Richland, WA; and J. J. Riley
9:15 AM9.4First Attempts of an LES-model evaluation by comparison with experimental data gained from acoustic tomography  extended abstract
Sonja Weinbrecht, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; and S. Raasch
9:30 AM9.5Modeling unresolved motions in LES of field-scale flows  extended abstract
Fotini Katopodes Chow, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; and R. L. Street
9:45 AM9.6Field Measurements of Spatially-Filtered Turbulence in the Atmospheric Surface Layer  
Thomas W. Horst, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Kleissl, D. H. Lenschow, C. Meneveau, C. H. Moeng, M. P. Parlange, P. P. Sullivan, and J. C. Weil
10:00 AMCoffee Break  
10:30 AM9.7Analysis of subfilter-scale fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer  
Peter P. Sullivan, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and T. W. Horst, D. H. Lenschow, C. H. Moeng, and J. C. Weil
10:45 AM9.8Turbulent pressure statistics  extended abstract
Natasha L. Miles, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and J. C. Wyngaard and M. J. Otte
11:00 AM9.9LES study on the energy imbalance problem with eddy covariance fluxes for uniformly heated convective boundary layers  extended abstract
Manabu Kanda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; and M. O. Letzel, T. Watanabe, A. Inagaki, and S. Raasch
11:15 AM9.10A model for the large-scale ramp structures observed in the atmospheric surface layer  extended abstract
K. G. McNaughton, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland; and R. E. Blundell
11:30 AM9.11Aircraft Measurements of Refractive and Clear Air Turbulence: Spectra, Budgets, and the Prediction Problem  extended abstract
Owen R. Coté, Air Force Research Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA; and R. J. Dobosy, J. Roadcap, T. L. Crawford, and J. M. Hacker
11:45 AM9.12Preliminary CASES-99 measurements of steep vertical gradients in temperature and turbulence structure using a Tethered Lifting System (TLS)  
Ben B. Balsley, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and R. G. Frehlich, Y. Meillier, and M. L. Jensen
12:00 PM9.13The pressure-correlation term in the TKE budget estimated by the wavelet transform using CASES-99 data  extended abstract
Joan Cuxart, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; and G. Morales, E. Terradellas, and C. Yagüe
12:15 PM9.14Effects of stability and filter size on model coefficients and intermittency of sub-filter fluxes in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer  extended abstract
Jan Kleissl, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; and C. Meneveau and M. B. Parlange

Wednesday, 17 July 2002: 8:30 AM-12:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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