Wednesday, 10 May 2000: 11:00 AM
A new Model Output System (MOS) on the basis of the AVN model output
is going to be constructed for the European region,
primarily for predicting maximum/minimum temperature and total
cloud cover.
It is generally recognized that the preparation, the preselection,
and the maximum number of the predictors used in a prediction equation
plays a prominent role.
We enhanced the normally used MOS equations by combining the regression
screening procedure with two approved expert systems and the cross
validation method.
Either an empirically build or a physically motivated expert system for
predicting the cloud cover were optimally fitted to several stations.
The spatial variation of the adapted parameters is small.
Furthermore these calculations serve as additional predictors for maximum/minimum
temperature foecasts.
The cross validation method has the advantage that the prediction error
can be derived on independent data while the whole data sample was
used to estimate regression coefficients.
So we can determine the optimum number of predictors in the regression
equation in an objective manner.