Pilot reports (PIREPs) of icing are used to verify the forecasts. To compensate for known problems with using PIREPs for verification, a "cities-based" approach is used to evaluate the probabilistic forecasts. The cities-based verification approach assumes that if icing conditions exist in the regions around larger cities/airports (i.e., where there is a lot of air traffic), the conditions will be reported. Thus, systematic observations of icing conditions are obtained.
Several types of forecasts were included in the study, including outlooks and short-term forecasts, and forecasts of several categories of icing severity. A variety of approaches are used to evaluate the forecasts, including "standard" diagnostic methods (i.e., based on reliability diagrams and Brier skill scores); signal-detection-theory approaches; methods designed to evaluate multiple forecast categories; and newly-developed methods that incorporate information about forecast value as well as forecast quality. Results obtained through application of these various approaches are compared and contrasted.
General results of the evaluation indicate that the forecasters were able to create reliable and reasonably accurate probabilistic icing forecasts for all categories of forecasts, with the best results for short-term forecasts of general icing conditions. However, the forecasts are most reliable when the region around the cities is extended to a larger area than was originally specified in the experimental plan. The initial results suggest that it is possible to formulate skillful probability forecasts of icing conditions.