Monday, 30 July 2001
A Tendency-Correction Procedure for Assimilating Rainfall Data in the Presence of Model Errors
Conventional variational analysis schemes typically assume that
the prior estimate has no systematic errors. This "perfect model"
assumption is severely challenged in assimilating observation
types such as precipitation for which the forward model is based
on parameterized physics that are less than perfect. We present a
variational data assimilation procedure that makes effective use
of 6-h averaged rainrates derived from TRMM and SSM/I microwave
sensors to improve forecasts and analyses produced by the Goddard
Earth Observing System (GEOS) Data Assimilation System (DAS). The
procedure minimizes the least-square differences between the
observed rainrates and those generated by a colume model with
prescribed forcing. The scheme generates moisture and temperature
tendency corrections to compensate for apparent errors arising
from model deficiencies and initial conditions. We show the
impact of rainfall assimilation using this procedure in the
current versions of the GEOS DAS.
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