Thursday, 2 August 2001
A simplified model for predicting forecast error variances
The forecast error variances used in the Goddard Earth
Observing System(GEOS) global data assimilation system
are currently estimated on-line by updating the time-mean
statistics of observed-minus-forecast residuals. This
ensures that the prescribed variances are consistent
with the actual data residuals, but only on time scales
longer than a week or so. To represent error variability
on synoptic scales, we are developing a flow-dependent
prognostic forecast error variance model. This model
describes the evolution of potential temperature error
variances. It involves advection by the forecast model
winds and parameterized growth due to model dynamics
and physical forcing. In this presentation we describe
results of comparing this model with the ensemble spread
implied by NCEP ensemble forecast products. We will also
present preliminary results of analysis produced by the
analysis system of the NASA/Data Assimilation Office with
this new forecast error variance.
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