Despite being skillful, UWME and UWME+ probability forecasts are uncalibrated, since truth falls outside of the forecast ensemble range more often than expected (evidenced by u-shaped verification rank histograms). Even though bias correction improves probability forecast skill, the under-dispersion problem is not ameliorated. Member-wise bias correction actually reduces the ensemble spread and the ensemble spread-skill relationship in the process. Thus, several different ensemble post-processing techniques are investigated to see whether calibration can be achieved and probabilistic forecast skill improved, including: (1) dressing the ensemble mean with its forecast error distribution from a large sample of historical cases and (2) Bayesian model averaging (BMA) using training data within neighborhoods of similar land-use type and elevation.
The neighborhood BMA implementation produces the most skillful probabilistic forecasts of 2-m temperature at 48 h using a grid-based verification at 20-km horizontal resolution. Reliability diagrams and contingency table scores (hit rate, false alarm rate, relative economic value, etc.) for a specific forecast problem at a sample location are used to demonstrate the relative performance of these competing local forecast methods.