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Two of these cases (Las Vegas and Richmond) demonstrate the importance of understanding the impacts of urban development on runoff from intense rainfall in both humid and arid locations. Studies of urban watersheds suggest that streams need to carry significantly more volume due to greater runoff ratios and the shorter travel time from headwater to outlet. Streams would evolve to become wider and deeper if permitted. Most are not permitted to enlarge and thus flash floods occur at lower rainfall thresholds. The Kansas Turnpike example illustrates the need to have (1) information about small watersheds and (2) the ability to recognize the radar and satellite signature of effective warm-rain processes. The Hurricane Ivan case reminds us how important it is to understand the impacts of antecedent moisture, terrain, and frontogenetic forcing on the distribution of excessive rainfall and the subsequent runoff. Copious precipitation, including heavy rains from the remnants of Hurricane Frances 7-10 days earlier, created saturated or near-saturated soil conditions across many sections of the Appalachians and upper Ohio Valley. As Ivan moved inland from the Gulf Coast, strong southeasterlies focused intense rainfall production along the eastern slopes of the lower Appalachians triggering flash floods and debris flows. Later intense bands of rainfall affected Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York as tropical moisture ahead of Ivan was lifted over a polar front.