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A TC that intensifies post-transition (i.e. t>TE) begins transition (t=TB) with a negatively tilted trough 1000km upstream; the transitioning cyclone is in the right entrance region of the attendant jet streak, where the mesoscale ascent enhances the convective instability of the TC remnant. An intense temperature gradient immediately poleward and downstream of the TC leads to isentropic lift and further enhances the convective potential in this area. Conversely, a post-transition weakener commences transition 2000km east of a positively tilted trough. The weakener is in the right exit region of the jet streak, an area of low convective potential. The TC has a weak large-scale poleward temperature gradient.
In six of the 34 cases (18%), the post-tropical cold-core cyclone develops a warm-seclusion structure, rather than remaining cold-core. Anticipation of this warm-seclusion evolution is critical to a forecast since it represents a dramatically increased risk of middle to high-latitude wind and wave damage. We show here that warm-seclusion evolution is most favored when the scale of the interacting trough closely matches the scale of the transitioned tropical cyclone and discuss the impacts of this scale matching on the subsequent storm evolution. The sensitivity of the post-ET evolution of the TC is demonstrated here to be critically dependent on the timing of interaction between the TC and the attendant midlatitude trough, as well as the characteristics of each system and of the broader synoptic environment. These results give insight into the degradation in the forecast accuracy of global models in the middle latitudes during a pending ET event.