2002 Annual

Tuesday, 15 January 2002: 11:15 AM
A Miami/Dade County Mesonet?
Paul H. Ruscher, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and A. J. Gallard, M. Z. Hernandez, and W. R. Lusher
The Meteorology Department and Science Education program of Florida State University, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will establish a school-site meteorological project to be located in Miami/Dade County Public Schools. This new collaborative project is entitled Middle School Students' REALM (Really Exploring And Learning Meteorology). The projects foci are: (1) to expose more middle school girls to meteorological science content, (2) to develop a positive and supportive learning environment for participating girls and boys, (3) to provide on site technical assistance to participating science teachers for content implementation, and (4) to provide a vehicle for greater parent-girl participation in science activities. In order to maximize resources we will utilize and leverage available meteorology resources (weather stations) that are in demographically dispersed middle schools. Involvement in this project will enhance girls awareness of career opportunities for women in the field of science in general and meteorology in particular. This project will also increase middle school girls self-esteem and confidence in learning science concepts, which integrate the use of mathematics and technology. This project model aims to reduce the attrition in advanced level science, mathematics and technology coursework that typically occurs as girls move from middle school to high school, which carries over into higher education.

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