Wednesday, 24 May 2000
A seasonal forecasting method of tropical cyclone activity on
the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, which can
be applied at the beginning of May is given. The predictors selected are
based on relationships between tropical cyclones and varying aspects of
the pressure patterns, El Niño / South Oscillation, stratospheric Quasi -
Biennial Oscillation zonal winds and the sea surface temperature of the
North Atlantic tropical region.
Through a linear regression process a set of equations was obtained,
which is able to forecast: the number of tropical cyclones (tropical
storms plus hurricanes), the number of hurricanes, its destruction
potential and the number of tropical cyclones that will develop in the
oceanic area, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. In order to give
complementary information on possible affectation risk for Cuba, in
addition to the prediction of the number of tropical cyclones developing
on the Caribbean Sea, the systems that enter this region are determined
The rank correlation obtained to determine the method's skill with the
working sample (33 hurricane seasons from 1966 to 1998) oscillate between
0.78 and 0.42, being significant at the prefixed level of 5%.