Thursday, 25 May 2000: 12:15 PM
The GBVTD simplex-algorithm has been tested using axisymmetric and asymmetric analytic tropical cyclones by Lee et al. 1999. The algorithm objectively identifies the tropical cyclone center by maximizing the GBVTD-derived mean tangential wind field. Lee and Marks (1999) applied the GBVTD simplex algorithm to Typhoon Alex (1987). However, a true center was not available to verify the accuracy of the algorithm. This study applies the GBVTD simplex algorithm to Hurricane Danny (1997). The estimated storm track derived by the algorithm is compared to radar and aircraft storm fixes. The derived track is in good agreement with the true storm track within 2 km. Results will be presented that show how the GBVTD simplex algorithm improves the quality of the GBVTD retrieved wind analysis.